Consulting Services
Hempcrete Natural Building has the proven track record, the credentials, the commitment and the vision to bring this remarkable solution to the broader market.
**We appreciate your ongoing support and loyalty to Hempcrete Natural Building. Currently, we are undergoing a brief pause in our services to address operational improvements. We will announce consulting availability in January and look forward to working with you. Please join our waitlist HERE.
We have curated the most frequently asked questions. Please review the questions and answers before contacting us. Visit our FAQ page HERE.
If you are looking for information about hempcrete and its many uses we highly recommend Steve Allin’s book, ‘Building with Hemp’. You can purchase through our affiliate link HERE. His case studies book can be purchased HERE.

- Permits.
- Engineering.
- Architectural and design plans.
- Materials costing and delivery.
- Professional costs from engineers, planners, municipal or government fees.
- Client’s general contractor.
- Architects/drafting/design.
- Engineers; geo-technical, structural and mechanical- as required.
- Site contractors, i.e. machinery operators, framing crew, electricians, plumbers etc.
- All aspects of the project planned clearly as possible.
- Various levels of project pricing/estimating.
- Instructions to your (or our) planners/contractors to adapt the plans to a hempcrete-based build.
- Working with planners, inspectors and engineers as -needed.
- Sourcing the cheapest delivery rates and materials.
Your Plan
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Book a Consultation
budget unkown
You have an idea and don't know where to start.
You would like to build with hempcrete but are unsure if it will work in your project.
You've started your project and run into troubles.
verbal consult
no written report
full service
Large Project
*Deposit, plus taxes
Project Budget
Full Build $150,000+
Full building PLan developed for every stage or pre-exitsing Plans that includes engineering
comprehensive written
hempcrete-only report
Expanding Services
comprehensive overview
on plans
comprehensive costing
given For hempcrete
Colloaboration with your own designers/ engineers / builders if needed
home design, Structural carpentry layout design, Mechanical enginerring services ( Heat and HVAC loads), Structural and envelope engineering
Dealing with local building authorities and building codes
Step by step plan and comprehensivfe hempcrete report to ensure smooth build including Interactions and education with subtrade
site visit where possible
With over 20 years of experience on new builds we know that you will need a team of planning experts who are well versed in both mass-wall construction as well as hempcrete details itself, both from a construction and building-permits point of view. Mechanical systems, integration with regular framing and the type of structure, sheer issues, and where to place services in a mass wall layout are just a very few details to plan ahead for. If your planner does not have knowledge of these and other details, then you will be paying for their education, and for the delays or changes at the construction-end of things for those missed details.

It is the purpose of HNB to provide accurate and valuable advice to our clients! The aim of the consulting is to help plan, streamline the building process and save you money and resources!
One dollar spent on planning will save ten dollars or more on execution!
We have curated the most frequently asked questions. Please review the questions and answers before contacting us. Our FAQ page will be updated often!
If you are looking for information about hempcrete and its many uses we highly recommend Steve Allin’s book, ‘Building with Hemp’. You can purchase through our affiliate link HERE. His case studies book can be purchased HERE.